randi and jack during our first excursion to Bear Creek, circa 1992
Life is a funny place, full of winding roads and rocky terrain. Jack was feeling well enough to go for a drive so that's just what we did....up to Sacramento for a brief visit with our friends Jan and Vincent, then on into Mendocino National Forest....to our favorite spot, Bear Creek.
It was great having Jack behind the wheel once more, navigating those hairpin dirt roads, steering 'round the deep ruts, making that old Cadillac do things it had no business trying.

Sure it cost money, and we'll have to do without a few things for a little while, but it was worth every cent to see a glimmer of my Jack back again after so many months of bed-bound illness.

Now we're home, a little "saddle sore" from the bouncy ride, but happy. Isn't that what it's all about?
S. F. Patients' Cooperative's Creed... still alive in my heart
Even though I don't run the medical cannabis facility any more, there's still ample opportunity to help patients and former patients....especially when it comes to wending through the maze of San Francisco Social Services.

Back when the Co-Op was opened, that's what we did....acted as a bridging agency between the many large bureaucratic outlets set up to take care of the status quo.  Most of our folks were anything but!

Multi-diagnosed, many with HIV/AIDS and mental illnesses...that was our status quo.  And even though the Co-Op's not opened any more, those same people still need the help.  And there are even more, now.

My prayer is that some day, a community center comes into being where they can go and get help, real help.  And they can socialize with one another and feel safe.

For Joey, and for the countless others in need of such a place, I pray with all my heart this comes to pass.

For now, it's all about working through it....one patient at a time, connecting the dots.

The Button  rcw
Didja ever have one of those days where no matter what ya try to do it all comes out upside down?Should have taken the hint from the coffee, which spilled (thankfully into the sink, so not EVERYTHING was kablooie)

Been running the old "wasted life" scenario in my head again....shoulda woulda coulda....There's gotta be a law against brow beating oneself.
After all, I've not sat on my hands during this sojourn; there've been a few busy seasons and a couple of good deeds to speak of. Sheesh!

But truth be told, I've do a few things slightly different. Having said that, oh well. On to the next!

I may not be rich and famous, may not even have two pennies to scrape together most of the time but I do have family and friends....and still have plenty of dreams I'm following. 

As long as there's a dream, there's a reason to live.

Trick Of Time
This photo is a work in progress poster for our song and video "Trick Of Time."

What we did was take the photo of the Winchester Mystery House window and insert a green oval in the middle (where our likenesses are).
After that, I got one of our photos-this one from our Boo Boo's and the Bridge business card, got a matching oval cut-out, then edited the photo with CorelDRAW's Photo Paint, selecting the "glass" editing tool.  Then it was several hours of fine tuning.
Now all that remains is some text (trying to make it look like part of the window, too) and it'll be ready. 
Not bad for a long -haired weirdo, eh America?

Been busy helping Jack.  Back east, family members are having health issues too....everywhere there's lots of nursing to be done.

Also I've been doing some website updating, lots of digital housekeeping.....not much idle time on my hands.

Sure wish we were recording or playing music.  Hopefully Jack will feel better soon.

Longer blog entry to come.
Interesting day on many levels....the Casey Anthony verdict is about to be announced.  As many, I am sitting in front of the T.V., awaiting closure to this case.

I don't know if I'd be able to sit on that jury....although on second thought I want justice for Caylee, that poor little girl.   Why did she have to die like that? 

My heart goes out to the family.  My heart even goes out to Casey, in that she felt there was no other option for freedom other than to take her child's life.  But I cannot fully sympathize, after all the grandparents loved their grandchild....seemed to have no problem taking care of little Caylee 24/7.   Why didn't Casey just leave the child to them?

Well...here we are, seconds away from the verdict.  The sentencing portion will happen within a week or so, but the verdict happens now, after three long years in the public eye.

My thoughts keep going back to Caylee....poor baby. 
It seems like mothers murdering their children is on the rise.  What does this say about our society?  I wonder.

Verdict delivered at 11:20 a.m.   Fist degree murder, not guilty.  Agrivated Child Abuse  Not guilty, Agrivated Manslaughter of Child  Not Guilty, Providing False info to law enforcement....all counts of this charge guilty

Scoreboard (sorry so crass)
Count 1 first degree murder not guilty
Count 2 second degree murder not guilty
Count 3 agrivated manslaughter  not guilty
Counts 4-7 false information to law enforcement guilty

Then the question remains.....WHODUNIT?

Did she get away with it?

Sentencing will be Thursday for the false info charges.

So it goes.

Poor Caylee, rest in peace.