Guess who in the studio with the Gibson SG
So, what's been happening, you may well ask.  A little and a lot, all at once. But that's life, eh?
On the plus side, Jack is starting to feel better...a little bit.  We're going to go on another road trip, this time to visit friends and to see Crater Lake again.
That should be nice.
I'm hoping for a chance at creativity during this venture too.

Lately took some time away from recording to study up for me motorcycle license permit test.  I know...God help us all with me on the road, but oh well. Wish me luck!

I have a small studio room in the flat now, so will be able to work on things pretty much whenever I want.  No interruptions, no outside noise. YAY!    Working on a Blues Opera takes a lot of concentration.
More on that soon!
For now...
love to all!